

Comik I

J. Chadwick − L. Godart − J.T. Killen − J.-P. Olivier − A. Sacconi − I. Sakellarakis (eds.), Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos I (1-1063), Cambridge-Rome 1986.

Comik II

J. Chadwick − L. Godart − J.T. Killen − J.-P. Olivier − A. Sacconi − I. Sakellarakis (eds.), Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos II (1064-4495), Cambridge-Rome 1990.

Comik III

J. Chadwick − L. Godart − J.T. Killen − J.-P. Olivier − A. Sacconi − I. Sakellarakis (eds.), Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos III (5000-7999), Cambridge-Rome 1997.

Comik IV

J. Chadwick − L. Godart − J.T. Killen − J.-P. Olivier − A. Sacconi − I. Sakellarakis (eds.), Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos IV (8000-9947), and Index to Volumes I-IV, Cambridge-Rome 1998.

General Indices 2000

F. Aura Jorro, The General (and Provisional) Indices of Linear B, pubblicazione in Internet (2000). Sito attuale: www.cervantesvirtual.com/portal/diccionario­micenico.


E.L. Jr Bennett − J. Chadwick − M. Ventris, The Knossos Tablets. A Translite­ration, First Edition, BICS Supplementary Papers 2, London 1956.


E.L. Jr Bennett − J. Chadwick − M. Ventris, The Knossos Tablets. A Translite­ration, First Edition, BICS Supplementary Papers 7, London 1959.


J. CHADWICK − J.T. KILLEN, The Knossos Tablets. A Transliteration, Third Edition, BICS Supplementary Papers 15, London 1964.


J. CHADWICK − J.T. KILLEN − J.-P. OLIVIER, The Knossos Tablets. A Transliteration, Fourth Edition, Cambridge 1971.


J.T. Killen − J.-P. Olivier, The Knossos Tablets. A Transliteration, Fifth Edition, Minos Suppl. 11, Salamanca 1989.

19 Raccords

J.L. Melena, ‘19 raccord et quasi-raccords de fragments dans les tablettes de Cnossos’, Minos 31-32, 1996-1997, 417-422.

22 Joins

R.J. Firth − J.L. Melena, ‘22 Joins of LB Fragments from Knossos’, Minos 37-38, 2002-2003, 113-120.

98 Raccords

L. Godart − J.-P. Oliver, 98 raccords et quasi-raccords de fragments dans les tablettes de Cnossos’, Minos 13, 2, 1973, 113-129.

123 Raccords

L. Godart – J.T. Killen – J.-P. Olivier, ‘123 raccords de fragments dans les tablettes de Cnossos’, Minos 10, 1, 1970, 151-165.

175 Raccords

L. Godart – C. Kopaka – J. Melena – J.-P. Olivier, ‘175 raccords de fragments dans les tablettes de Knossos’, Minos 27-28, 1992-1993, 55-70.

436 Raccords

E.L. Bennet – J. Driessen – L. Godart – J.T. Killen – C. Kopaka – J.L. Melena – J.-P. Olivier – M. Perna, ‘436 raccords et quasi-raccords de fragments inédits dans KT 5’, Minos 24, 1989, 199-242.



Dmic I

F. Aura Jorro, Diccionario Micènico I, Madrid 1985.

Dmic II

F. Aura Jorro, Diccionario Micènico II, Madrid 1993.


P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire Etymologique de la langue grecque, Histoire des mots, Paris 1968-1980.


J. Chadwick− M. Ventris, Documents in Mycenaean Greek, Cambridge 1973.


A. Morpurgo, Mycenaeae Grecitats Lexicon (Incunabola Graeca 3), Roma, 1963.

Liddle – Scott

H.G. Liddle – R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford 1996.

Mycenaean Greek Vocabulary

J. Chadwick − L. Baumbach, ‘The Mycenaean Greek Vocabulary’, Glotta 41, 1963, 157-271.

Congressi, symposia, studi e opere miscellanee


Atti Roma I 1968

C. Gallavotti (ed.), Atti e Memorie del 1° Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia (Roma 27 settembre – 3 ottobre 1967), Roma 1968.

Atti Roma II 1996

E. De Miro − L. Godart − A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e Memorie del 2° Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia, Roma-Napoli, 14-20 ottobre 1991, Roma 1996.

Atti Roma III 2008

A. Sacconi – M. Del Freo – L. Godart– M. Negri (eds.), Colloquium Romanum, Atti del XII colloquio internazionale di Micenologia (Roma 20-25 febbraio 2006), Roma 2008.

Fiscality 2006

M. Perna (ed.), Fiscality in Mycenaean and Near Eastern Archives, Proceedings of the Conference Held at Naples, 21-23 october 2004, (Studi egei e vicinorientali 3), Napoli 2006.

Floreant Studia Mycenaea 1999

S. Deger-Jalkotzy – S. Hiller − O. Panagl (eds.), FLOREANT STUDIA MYCENAEA, Akten des X Internationalien Mykenologischen Colloquiums in Salzburg Vom 1.-5 Mai 1995, Wien 1999.

L’economia palaziale

AAVV, L’economia palaziale e la nascita della moneta: dalla Mesopotamia all’Egeo, Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 12-13 febbraio 2002, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, anno CDII – 2005 (Contributi del Centro Linceo Interdiscipli­nare “Beniamino Segre” n. 111), Roma 2005.

Mémoires, Premiére série 1958

M. Lejeune, Mémoires de philologie mycénienne. Première série (1955-1957), Parigi – Roma 1958.

Mémoires, Deuxiéme série 1971

M. Lejeune, Mémoires de philologie mycénienne. Deuxième série (1958-1968), Parigi – Roma 1971.

Mémoires, Troisiéme série 1972

M. Lejeune, Mémoires de philologie mycénienne. Troisième série (1964-1968), Parigi – Roma 1972.

Mykenaika 1992

J.-P. Olivier (ed.), MYKENAÏKA. Actes du IXe Colloque international sur les textes mycéniens et égéens organisé par le Centre de l’Antiquité Grecque et Romaine de la Fondation Hellénique des Recherches Scientifiques et l’Ecole française d’Athènes (Athènes, 2-6 octobre 1990), Athens 1992.

Politeia 1995

R. Laffineur − W.D. Niemeier (eds.), POLITEIA: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age, Proceedings of the 5° International Aegean Conference, Heidelberg 1994, Aegaeum 12, Liege 1995.

Recherches récentes 1998

F. Rougemont − J.-P. Olivier (eds.), Recherches récentes en épigraphie créto-mycénienne, BCH 122, 1998, 403-443.

Studies Bennett 1988

J.-P. Olivier − T. Palaima (eds.), Texts, Tablets and Scribes. Studies in Mycenaean Epigraphy and Economy Offered to Emmett L. Bennett Jr., Minos Suppl. 10, Salamanca 1988.

Studi, monografie ed articoli

Bendall L.M., 2007, Economics of Religion in the Mycenaean World, Oxford

Bennet, J., 1985, The Structure of the Linear B Administration at Knossos, AJA 89, 231-249

Bennet, J., 1988, “Outside in the Distances”. Problems in Understanding the Economic Geography of Mycenaean Palatial Territories, in Studies Bennett 1988, 1988b, 19-41.

Bennet, J., 1992, Collectors or Owners? An Examination of Their Possible Functions Within the Palatial Economy of LM III Crete, in Mykenaika 1992, 65-101

Carlier, P., 1992, Les collecteurs sont-ils des fermiers?, in Mykenaika 1992, 159-166

Chadwick, J. 1976, The Mycenaean World

Cucuzza N. 2003, Il volo del Grifo: Osservazioni sulla Haghia Triada «micenea», Creta Antica 4, 199-272.

Del Freo M., 2016, La geografia dei regni micenei, in M. Del Freo – M. Perna (eds), Manuale di epigrafia micenea: Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B, Volume 2, Padova, 625-656.

Del Freo M. – M. Perna (a cura di), 2016, Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B, Roma.

Driessen, J., 1992 ‘Collector’s Items. Observations sur l’élite mycénienne de Cnossos, in Mykenaika 1992, 197-214

Driessen, J. 2000, The Scribes of the Room of the Chariot Tablets at Knossos: Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of a Linear B Deposit, Minos Suppl. 15, Salamanca.

Firth, R.J., 1996-1997, The Find-Places of the Tablets from the Palace of Knossos, Minos 31-32, 7-122.

Firth, R.J., 2000-2001, A Review of the Find Places of the Knossos Tablets, in Minos 35-36, 2000-2001, 63-290

Firth, R. J. – C. Skelton 2016, A study of the Scribal Hands of Knossos Based on Phylogenetic Methods and Find-Place Analysis, Minos 39, Parts I-III.

Firth, R. J. – J. L. Melena, 2016a, Re-visiting the Scribes of Knossos: The Principal Hands 101-123, 125-141, Minos 39, 249-319.

Firth R. J. – J. L. Melena 2016b, Re-visiting the scribes of the Room of the Chariot Tablets at Knossos, Minos 39, 319-351.

Firth, R. J. – J. L. Melena, 2016c, The Secondary Scribes of Knossos, in Minos 39, 353-378

Firth R.J. – J.L. Melena 2002-2003, 22 Joins and Quasi-Joins of Fragments of LB Tablets from KnossosMinos 37-38, 113-120.

Foster, E. D. 1977. Po-ni-ki-jo in the Knossos Tablets Reconsidered, Minos, Vol. 16, 52-66

Godart, L., 1968a, Ku-pi-ri-jo dans les textes mycéniens, SMEA 5, 64-70

Godart, L., 1968b, Les quantités d’huile dans la série Fh de Cnossos, in Atti Roma I 1968, 598-610.

Godart, L., 1969, La série Fh de Cnossos, SMEA 8, 39-65.

Godart, L., 1987, La série Fh de Cnossos, vingt ans après, in Studies Chadwick 1987, 201-211.

Godart, L., 1992, Les collecteurs dans le monde égéen, in Mykenaika 1992, 257-283

Godart, L., 2005, L’economia egea, in L’Economia Palaziale, 187-200

Greco, A., 2000, Da Minosse ad Omero, in Sileno 26, 117-127

Greco, A. 2010, Scribi e Pastori. Amministrazione e gestione dell’allevamento nell’archivio di Cnosso, Padova.

Killen, J. D., 1995, Some Further Thoughts on Collectors, in Politeia 1995, 213-224.

Landenius – Enegren, 2008, The People of Knossos: Prosopographical Studies in the Knossos Linear B Archives, Uppsala, 2008.

Lupack,S., 2006, Deities and Religious Personnel as Collectors, in Fiscality 2006, 89-108.

Marazzi M., 2013, Scrittura, epigrafia e grammatica greco-micenea, Roma.

Mariotta, G., 2003, Struttura politica e fisco nello ‘stato’ miceneo. Aspetti e Problemi della Storia greca delle origini, Padova

Mariotta, G., 2003 ‘Collettori’ nelle tavolette tebane: prosopografia e ruolo istituzionale, in M.R. Cataudella – A. Greco – G. Mariotta (eds.), Gli storici e la Lineare B: cinquant’anni dopo, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Firenze 24-25 novembre 2003, (Acta Sileni – 1), Padova, 145-163

Melena J. L.,1973-1975, Po-ni-ki-jo in the Knossos Ga tablets, Minos 14, 77-84

Murray C. – P. Warren, 1976, Po-ni-ki-jo among the day plants of Minoan Crete, in Kadmos 15, 40-60.

Olivier J.-P. 1967a, La serie Dn de Cnossos, SMEA 2, 71-93

Olivier J.-P. 1967b, Les Scribes de Cnossos. Essai de classement des archives d’un palais mycénien, Incunabula Graeca 17, Edizioni dell’Ateneo, Roma.

Olivier J.-P., 1969, Quasi-raccords de fragments dans les tablettes de Cnossos, Κρητικά Χρονικά : Κείμενα και Μελέται Κρητικής Ιστορίας, 249-253.

Olivier J.-P. 1972, La serie Dn de Cnossos reconsidérée, Minos 13, 22-28

Olivier J. -P. 1988, ‘KN: Da-Dg’, in Studies Bennett 1988, 219-267.

Olivier J. P. 2001, Les ‘collecteurs’: Leur distribution spatiale et temporelle, in Voutsaki – Killen 2001, 139-160

Palmer L. R. – J. Boardman, 1963, On the Knossos Tablets: The Find-places of the Knossos Tablets. The Date of the Knossos Tablets, Oxford

Palmer L. R. 1967, Review of Documents, in Gnomon 29 (1957), 561-581

Palmer L.R., 1972, Mycenaean Inscribed Vases – II. The Mainland Finds, in Kadmos 11:1, 27-46.

Palmer L.R., 1979, Context and Geography: Crete, in E. Risch – H. Mühlestein (eds), Colloquium Mycenaeum. The Sixth International Congress on the Aegean and Mycenaean Texts at Chaumont sur Neuchâtel, September 7-13. Université de Neuchâtel, Geneva, 43-64.

Perna M., 2004, Recherches sur la fiscalité mycénienne, Nancy.

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Privitera, S., 2010, I granai del re. L’immagazzinamento centralizzato delle derrate a Creta tra il XV e il XIII secolo a.C., Roma.

Rougemont F., 1998, Quelques problèmes liés à l’étude des ‘collecteurs’ dans les tablettes en linéaire B, in Recherches récentes 1998, 431-434

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Rougemont F., 2004, The Administration of Mycenaean Sheep Rearing (Flocks, Shepherds, ‘Collectors’), in B. Santillo Frizell (ed.), PECUS. MAN AND ANIMAL IN ANTIQUITY. Proceedings of the Conference at the Swedish Institute in Rome, September 9-12, 2002, B (The Swedish Institute in Rome. Projects and Seminars, 1), Rome, 20-30

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